Welcome to Industrial Brands

Exquisitely designed and expertly crafted sliding door products for luxury spaces are nearly impossible to find in today’s marketplace. Industrial Brands offers a curated collection blending Art Nouveau design with early 20th-century craftsmanship, delivering an elevated and timeless aesthetic for luxury homes, hotels, and restaurants.

Our Products

Drawing inspiration from the past, Industrial Brands has curated a unique collection of luxury sliding door hardware for discerning consumers, embodying both Art Deco appeal and premium quality. Skilled craftsmen use the finest materials and finishes to bring our timeless products to life.

Our Inspiration

Handcrafted examples of Durand’s Tin-Clad Fire Doors and Allith Manufacturing Co. sliding door hardware from the early 20th century are prized for their distinctive, period-authentic aesthetic. Often featured in adaptive reuse projects like breweries, restaurants, and other industrial-inspired spaces, these original systems are exceedingly rare and typically unsuitable for new construction. Industrial Brands has reimagined these timeless door systems, adapting them to meet the needs of modern architecture while preserving their historic charm.

Discover Our Brands

Leveraging more than a century of heritage, our Art Deco-inspired hardware from Allith Manufacturing Company and Durand’s Quality Doors were designed in the 19th century, proven in the 20th, and reimagined for the 21st-century consumer to ensure authentic and lasting architectural significance. Our sliding door tracks, with over 120 years of proven design, are ideal for creating a beautiful and authentic focal point in any room.

About Allith
About Durand's

“Designed in the 19th Century, Proven in the 20th, Reimagined for the 21st Century”